Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Finding a Purpose

Wow almost another week has gone by...I have been resting quite a bit, working on a couple of projects for the campground and spending time with the Lord...one of my favorite things to do.  I love spending the first few minutes of each morning in the Word and learning what God would have for me that day.

Today was no different.  
woke early and jumped into God's Word...
...and what an eye opener.

The word for the month is Purpose and that is something I have been asking the Lord lately...why did He allow me to have a mild heart attack?
and this verse started off my day.
I should not be asking "Why Lord?" but asking instead
"What do you want to teach me Lord?  What should I learn from this situation?"
Not why did I have a heart attack, but what can I learn from this.

I can begin with 
taking my health seriously...which means eating right, no more excuses - get those 30 minutes of exercise in every day, get appropriate rest.  Yes I need to work but I also need to have fun, as they say stop and smell the roses, enjoy time with my sweet hubby every day, focus on what is important and to seek God's will in my life.

And then I turned to 
I believe God has used my heart attack to remind me that though Satan means to harm and hurt us God means for good to come from it.  I could be feeling discouraged and frustrated, useless and afraid BUT GOD wants me to use this situation as a wake-up call.  To take this opportunity to get my physical health in right order.

And then 
And the good in all this is that I will be able to enjoy doing things with those who love and care about me.  And to be able to serve God each day of my life.

Right now my purpose in life is Get Healthy and I Know I Can do it, seeking God's guidance, asking others to pray for me, praying for myself to make good choices not just in eating but in all things.

And already I am seeing great results...from 8/27 to 9/9 I have lost 6.4 lbs.  My first goal is to lose 18.2 lbs by 1/1/14.  That is a very possible and attainable goal.

Would you help me reach my goal - you are probably asking How?
By asking me how I am doing?
By asking me if I have exercised today?
By sharing low calorie meal ideas - though not with "out of the world ingredients."

One of the devotions I do each morning is the Women of Faith devotions from my WoF Bible...this morning the scripture was

This is what I realized:
It is not the circumstances of life that cause the problems as sometimes we want to run and hid from them.  God doesn't want us to do that.  He wants us to trust Him.  It's how we handle those "circumstances/situations" - do we seek God, trust God, listen to God, follow God's will.  That is what we need to do..read His word, seek His will, trust Him in all things and to remember that God is bigger than any situation we find ourselves in.

And so today as I head to work and then a follow up appointment with the cardiologist I put my trust in God, listening to those He brings in my life (the doctors), seeking God's plan and doing my part...making the choice to eat healthy today and to get some exercise...if the doctor releases me to 20 minutes a day to spend that 20 minutes on the stationary bike remembering I am running a marathon not a sprint, and if I can' only do the 10 minutes I will spend that time in the pool doing light water aerobics...isn't it awesome of God to give me my own swimming pool to use anytime I want!!

Blessing to each of you.

If you have a prayer request, please share with me.

PE - I am remembering your family and the relationships there in.

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