Friday, May 31, 2013

Sharing & Writing

One of my RV friends, Donna B McNicol writes a blog called Write4Ten 

Think about it, read the definitions below, then sit for ten minutes (minimum) and write. It could be fact or fiction, your choice. The idea is to spark your imagination and get back into enjoying writing.
share 1  (shâr)

1. A part or portion belonging to, distributed to, contributed by, or owed by a person or group.
2. An equitable portion: do one's share of the work.
3. Any of the equal parts into which the capital stock of a corporation or company is divided.
v. sharedshar·ingshares
Share, Sharing, Shared, Shares
When I first read the word share this morning my mind immediately went to a memory of sharing my lunch with others while in grade school.  Not really a big deal what kids bring to school for lunch that is until you bring the same boring bologna sandwich on cheap  white bread (it was 29 c ents a loaf back then ~ and yes that is showing my age :) with mayonnaise that had not been refrigerated since the early morning hours and maybe an apple or an orange and once in a while (big while) there might be a cookie or two and then the little carton of milk if I could find the 5 cents to buy it.  Lunches at that time were not pleasant to make, bring to school or even eat.  But once in a while someone would ask if anyone wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?  You bet...I still love peanut butter and jam sandwiches.  Jam more than jelly, especially homemade strawberry or raspberry jam with the seeds...yummy.
Did you ever share your lunch with someone or did someone share their lunch with you.
I still share my lunch or dinner with someone quite often.
When visiting my grandchildren we will often share a peanut butter & jam sandwich or a big bucket of movie popcorn ~ I just love movie popcorn that is a day or two just tastes good and crunches :)
Sometimes at dinner I will share part of my dinner with my sweetie.  It is usually because I get full and ask him if he wants the rest of mine.  And usually he does .
One thing I really enjoy sharing are my thoughts, saying that I read on Facebook or hear from a friend and recipes!  Recipes are so fun.  I was challenged to only share healthy recipes for 30 you know it's hard to find healthy, good looking, hopefully tasty recipes.   Or maybe I am not looking in the right places.
I also love snuggles with my grandchildren.  Max doesn't like sharing snuggles with me much less hugs and kisses but he does humor me and gives me a hug when we part our ways.  I guess I can understand...he is 14 years old y'know.
 I enjoy spending time with people and sharing stories of our lives as well as how the Lord is working in our lives, through the difficult times and easy times.  I enjoy being a part of ladies retreats and get togethers sharing how the Lord has protected me, having faith in difficult times and how He has healed me from some very painful issues I have had to deal with in my life.  And I like to share my story with those who are facing some of the many struggles and hard times I have had in my life.

Along with sharing my stories I like to hear others' stories, first word stories, kids going to school or how a parent embarrassed one of their children when they were in middle school.  Oh, that's right I was the parent that embarrassed my younger son when he was in the 7th grade.  Maybe sometime I will share that story here in my blog.  Would you like that?  Let me know.
 Have you shared a story recently?  What about a meal?  Or what about your time with someone who just needed a friend?  Do you like to share with others?  If so, what is your favorite thing to share?  What do you like others to share with you?  Maybe a piece of candy, maybe a joke or ????

God in Action

As I continue my study on Faith

I am thankful for God's protection in our lives.

Last night and today our area has been riddled with lots of storms:

Lots of Thunder & Lightning

And right now we are under a

But through it all as long as my eyes are on the Lord and remember He is in control all will be well.

And in 1 Peter 1:5-11 we are told be
diligent and intentional in our walk with Jesus Christ.

Faith + Virtue+ Knowledge + Self-control + Perseverance + Godliness + Brotherly Kindness + Love
are the things we need to be focused on in our walk with the Lord.

Along with the above scripture reference there was a story about a man who took a new job away from family who was asked after one year was he really committed to his new job as he had not yet sold his home in his previous location, had not moved his family to the new location and his boss asked him if he was totally committed to his job because his actions weren't expressing that.

I felt the Lord was challenging me about my attitude about committing to a church body, getting involved with others in the different locations we have lived in over the past 2 1/2 years and what I realized was I was enjoying some of the benefits of being involved with some I wasn't totally committed to being a part of the group.  

As we contemplate accepting a new position in the next few weeks I find that I am asking God to show me where to be involved and how to use my talents wherever God lands me.

Thank you Lord for this awareness and now as Tom used to say

help me to take my AWARENESS and add some CONTACT and see how God CHANGES me :)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Faith ~ the Size of a Mustard Seed

The focus of my scripture readings and study's for the month of May have been on the topic of Faith.
The verse above is one that I have claimed for many years as a reminder that no matter what God is in control.  And that all I need is faith the size of a mustard seed.

Have you ever looked at the size of a mustard seed?
It is very tiny and as long as I have faith, just a speck of faith, I can trust God's word is always right. 

And as we are told in 1 Peter 1:6-9
by following and trusting in God we can be joyful in all things!
And we can do that with holding onto our faith even if it is only the size of a mustard seed.

It is amazing to see how God continues to work in our lives.  Specifically seeing His handiwork as we continue to seek Him and follow His leading.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My Body is not Mine Alone

Woke up this morning to the motor home rockin' and a rollin' as we were experiencing wind gusts up to 40 mph ~ whew!

As I was reading 
I was reminded that my body is not my own but a temple of the Lords and I need to take care of it like it was the most precious thing around BECAUSE it is a temple of the Lord!!

I weighed this morning and I was back where I was two Monday's ago...what a reminder that getting healthy is not done once in a while but needs to be part of my focus each and every day.

And in my devotional I was reminded

Faith is believing in what I cannot see but to be committed to walk in Christ's footsteps 
even though I don't know what is ahead of me. 

Faith calls us to live not by our feelings but by what we know is TRUTH!!

I am not to worry about tomorrow as I don't know what it will bring.
Instead I need to focus on today and and see God's blessings now!

And how special friendships are as talked about in Proverbs 27:9
Today I give thanks for the many friendships I am blessed with.  I have many friends, some I speak to every day, sometimes once a week or even once a month.  I have friends I have spent time with, sometimes even six hours in a coffee shop as God healed our relationship.  And I have friends I have never met in person but who have blessed me with a card, a phone call, an email or even placing flowers on our little Royce's grave as they passed through Las Vegas.  I have friends who I have only seen a few times over the past 35 years and yet I know that at any given moment I could reach out to any one of my friends and know that just as God is with me and I am never alone that my friends are with me to hold my hand, listen to me cry, share in my joys and even help me to see the humor in a tire that refuses to come loose so we can continue our journey.

Thank you Lord for being my friend and blessing me with friends around the world.

And the little reminder from Proverbs 27:23 to be diligent, to know the state of your flock (household) and to attend to your herds (what it is that needs to be done).

For me, this was a reminder of paying attention to the little things and the big things that need to be done each day like balancing the checkbook, paying the bills, preparing healthy meals, taking care of my health, loving my hubby, my children and grandchildren, to keep my focus on the Lord and follow where He leads.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sunday School & Worship Service Reflections

Interesting Sunday School class this week ~ the lesson came from Deuteronomy 21:18-21

And how even though the ways of discipline is different today ~ we don't stone our children or others who are disobedient ~ it is still important to address disobedience.

I reflected a lot during the lesson about how we parented our boys at different times and how we had to use "Tough Love" even when it was very hard.  And that we were able to stand and hold onto our values with the strength of the Lord and the love and support of other parents who had walked a similar road as we were at the time.  

One thing Pastor Daniel shared was that in the case of this rebellious son his rebelliousness did not happen over night but over a period of time and I thought about one of my personal struggles ~ being overweight and the struggles I face as I change my lifestyle of poor eating and lack of exercise to making healthy choices and moving more.  I know, some of you are laughing as it seems we are always moving :), in this case I am thinking of moving my body, getting exercise.  I did not gain all this weight over night but over many years and I can't expect that making a few changes will immediately show great results of a new healthy me.  

And I find myself asking the Lord to help me daily to make healthy choices.  Each and every day!
It's like using Tough Love on myself...sometimes it is necessary to be a little tougher/stronger in my journey of getting healthy. 

And I am reminded that

And then the sermon was titled "If it concerns God does it concern me?"
Scripture came from Mark 10:13-16

 Luke 18:15,  2 Samuel 12:23


And that ALL things matter to God, not just the big things.
EVERYTHING! matters to God
and if it is important to God it should be important to me.

And the question was asked ~
Are you not only concerned but are you concerned enough?

I have often asked "Are you okay?" and have been asked that question by others but I think what needs to be asked is 
Lord help me not to just offer words but to DO something for those who you bring into my life.  I may not have much money but I have many blessings that I can share with others.  

Monday, May 27, 2013

Road Trip Reflections

Wow, can't believe two weeks have passed since I last wrote...what have we been doing?

Ron's days off 5/15-18/2013 was spent close to home.  It rained quite a bit so the weather was not conducive to checking out the area.  We did a lot of resting which was kind of nice ~ just reading, spending time together, watching some shows on Netflix.  We are enjoying The Guardian and Cheers!

Ron's days off 5/22-24/2013 was spent on a road trip.  Our blog, The Wandering Workentins will be updated later today about our road trip with lots of pictures...let me share a little bit of our trip and how the Lord spoke to both of us.

Our road trip was from Coffeyville, KS to Bethany, MO and back to Coffeyville, KS in a roundabout way

Tried to put a picture of the map of our route: Coffeyville, KS to Bethany, MO to Jamesport, MO to Leavenworth, KS to Pittsburg, KS to Parsons, KS and back to Coffeyville, KS...I just couldn't figure out how to make the map into a picture...maybe next time.

The reason for our trip was an interview for a full-time, permanent position as campground managers.  We did not apply for this job, the owner came looking for us :)  We agreed to meet with him and so we planned our trip to go meet him in his home town.  He is not only a business man but also a farmer and a pastor.  We looked forward to meeting with him and his wife to see what they were offering, if we could work together, did we have similar goals and especially to see if the Lord was opening an unexpected door and opportunity.

We enjoyed our trip.  Wednesday started out sunny but by the time we arrived in Bethany it was cool and overcast.  We were definitely not dressed for the change in weather as we were both in shorts and tank tops :)  We met at a little Mexican restaurant and talked for almost two hours.  Lots of things were talked about and we feel the Lord is leading us in that direction.  In the evening we were invited to attend church w/D & P and thought it would be fun and see how the Lord would speak to us.  The ladies have their own Bible study and the men meet together.  Once we gathered to return to the hotel we laughed at how the Lord spoke to both of us.  

Alice hearing from the Lord

God went before Ron and I to speak to D & P, to ready the discussions ~ am I open to hearing how he is leading and then following him.

I felt God asking me the following:  Do I choose to follow Christ?  Are my values His values?  Do I allow "STUFF" to compete for God in my life?  Do I make room for God in my life?  Do I sit in the quiet and wait upon the Lord?  Are God's priorities my priorities?  Do I put God first or is he an after thought?  How can I follow and serve Christ first if I allow things  busyness to fill my life?

And from Philippians 3:1-11
God requires repentance and faith in Him.  We don't deserve nor can we earn God's blessings.

To sum up what I (Alice) felt the Lord saying to me: stop all the busyness, trust and walk in Faith with Him and keep trusting that he, GOD, walks before me, opens and closes doors as needed and trust that He will honor my faith in Him!!

And Ron felt the Lord reminding him that just as God used the clouds to show when the Israelites were to move in Egypt (when the cloud moved, the people moved) that as God opens the doors in our lives we need to follow his leading.
And so we have said to D & P that as the Lord opens the doors we are interested in going through those doors.  In this case it would mean moving again and managing a campground, working along with like minded Christians to share God's blessings and bounty with others.

So now we wait to see when God actually opens the door and we can move forward.  In the meantime we serve where we can where we are, Ron continues to work at Amazon and we live our lives to the fullest, trusting Him with every aspect of our lives.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday Mumblings

Good morning, wait it is after 2 p.m. so I should say
 Can't believe it is Monday already, really our Thursday as tomorrow is  Ron's Friday.  The week goes fast when you work different shifts from others and only work four days instead of five in a row.
Only a tad bit confusing I know.  

This morning kind of got off to a rough start as I woke pretty shaken from a horrible nightmare, did call it a dream but in reality it was a nightmare.  I shared it with my bestie and this is what she wrote back -

"Sounds to me like you are feeling something in your live is out of control and you have no power to stop it and you feel like you are not getting support from the people around you.  I will pray for clarity in figuring out what triggered this.  Know that God has you in the palm of His hand!  Whatever it is, He’s got it. "

   and I think there is lots of truth in what insight she had.  Not the time to share the nightmare but would ask that you do keep us in your prayers as God is cracking open some doors that could be life changing for us.  Enough said.

So I went for my walk ~ one mile in 15 minutes; Saturday will increase to 1 1/2 miles, ate some cottage cheese and fruit for breakfast and then opened my devotional and Bible ~ never a bad thing to do when feeling a bit shaken.  God is so good and meets me right where I am; He never fails me.

Psalm 1:2-3
My strength comes from God's Word ~ like water to a tree;
My stability comes from God's Word ~ like good soil to a tree.

When I put my roots (my mind, heart, body and soul) into God's Word ~
I am able to be the strong and stable person God wants me to be and know I can be.

Luke 5:17-26
Jesus Forgives and Heals

Sometimes I find myself doing the same thing over and over and not getting the results I want or need.  Sometimes I need to step back and think about is there another way to get the results I want/need?  
For example knowing what I eat and when I eat.  I know I can say "I had "such and such" leaving out the "bad things" who will really know.  BUT if I write down/log on I cannot hide from all the things I have eaten in a given period of time and see what needs to be changed.

As Tom used to say "Awareness + Contact = Change"

and you know what, it is working.  One of my goals this past week was to quit eating when I go to bed at night, Ron hates crumbs in the bed anyway :).  Last night I went to bed and read for awhile and I really wanted a fig newton, but hey I was in bed already.  I could have asked Ron to bring me one, I know he would because he loves me like that.  Wait, told myself and my accountability group "NO MORE EATING IN BED!"  So I got up, walked out to the kitchen, got two of the fig newtons (105 calories) and sat down and watched a comedy show that Ron was watching for about 15 minutes while I enjoyed my two cookies.  Did it put me over my calorie limit ~ yep but as I am learning, one step at a time - this time was not eating in bed!!!  And I only ate two cookies where in the past I would have had four or even six!!  One step at a time.  Acknowledge the good choices - two was much better than six!!

Proverbs 13:16

Learning, knowing, following, making healthy choices will lead to a healthy mind, heart and soul.
If I ignore what I know about making healthy choices I will continue to get FAT! is that what I want? NO!!!!  Again, Tom's formula comes to mind: "Awareness + Contact = Change"

Proverbs 13:20
As one of my health coaches, Monica has told me "post good things, healthy things on Facebook and make healthy things to eat will make my mind desire those healthy foods!  Posting cookies and pretty sweet desserts just leads me to wanting those sweet sugary desserts which will not help me get to my desire of a healthy heart, body, mind and soul.

 I found this picture ~ it is a tool to help me remember I don't want to choose that today!!

Proverbs 13:25  
"The righteous eat to their hearts’ content,
    but the stomach of the wicked goes hungry."

Feed my body healthy foods, drinking lots of water, making healthy choices,
THEN the cravings for those high calorie sweets will disappear :)!!!

WOW is all I can say.  God is so GOOD to meet me right where I am!!
Reinforcing the things I am learning from others, finding new ways to get eat healthier and making good positive choices for a healthier me ~ from the tips of my toes to the top of my head, indwelling in my heart and giving me new excitement for life!!!

How about you ~ what or who encourages you?

Is there something I can encourage you in today?  Leave me a comment if there is.  I would love to lift you up in prayer, that's the least a friend can do!!

One more thing, 
if you would say a prayer for this family as they struggle with some major health issues of their precious baby who is due to be born in three short months. 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Eating Good for Us Food!

Many of you know that I have been a diabetic for almost 20 years and for the past few years have dinked around with trying to lose weight.  I say "dinked" because I would start a diet, start to exercise, start to drink more water, lose a few pounds, was at my highest weight in Summer of 2011 and so started to take things a little more serious.

Yes, I know I am a slower learner :)

I lost 26 lbs :) but slowly began gaining the weight back, gained 10 of those pounds back.
Earlier this year as I started having problems with my blood sugars, stressing over how I am going to get my medications.  Two of my medications costs over $1200 every three months and the rest of them are about $75 a month.
If I can get my eating under control, exercise every day like I know I should I know I can cut down if not eliminate some of the diabetes medications I take thus saving us money.

So once again I decided to get back on the bandwagon of getting healthy.

First I got myself an accountability friend.  Many of you know her as my bestie.  I started out writing down everything I eat.  I use My Fitness Pal to record everything I eat.  I mean everything, even all the candy I ate last week when I was having a very hard day.  By putting in my height, current weight and my goal the program helps me figure out how many calories a day I can have each day.  I log all the food I eat, the water I drink and any exercise I do.  I have a little ticker that lets me know how much weight I have lost and my overall goal.

And another great friend got me this great workbook:

I am now on Day 15...because of the rough couple of days I had last week I repeated a couple of days.
It is not a magic book but a tool, one of many that I am using.
Another tool I am using is a Facebook group I started called "Getting Healthy One Day at a Time."  And believe me, it is one day at a time, some days it's half a day at a time and sometimes for me it is get through this hour at a time.  We are a group of ladies who are trying to get healthy, being accountable to each other, encouraging each other when we slip that we can do this and cheering each other when we reach a new goal!!  We are a closed group and after a couple of glitches we are going strong.

Another tool that a friend is helping me with is using protein shakes as a meal replacement.  It is full of nutrients and tastes yummy.  Actually I have used Beachbody Shakeology and Body By Vi protein shakes before and if you are interested in either of them I would be happy to connect you to two great health coaches.  Or you can buy this
Whey or something similar.  Use it as a meal replacement for one or two meals a day.  I am doing one shake a day.  I do it for my breakfast and it keeps me full for a good three to four hours.  I have been encouraged to eat three to six small meals a day and so far it is working for me.

And I have set small goals for myself.

Yesterday my goal was to walk for 5 minutes around the park.  Ron and I measured the distance of the roads inside the park and the perimeter distance.  One lane is 1/4 a mile so the shortest distance I would walk is half a mile because if I go down one lane I have to come back to the rig up the other lane :)  Yesterday I felt so good I decided to do the perimeter and walked a mile in 13 minutes ~ yeah me :)  Got back to the rig and realized I had forgotten to take a letter to the mail box, umm Ron had the Jeep at work, guess what I walked another mile.  Our rig is parked as far from the mailbox as possible here in our campground.  So back out I went and did a second mile.  I felt good.  I slept well last night.

One thing about my walking...I would say I was going to walk but then would get busy doing other stuff and never get out for my walk, well night before last as I had trouble going to sleep I was talking to God about my NOT walking.  He said, umm, do it as soon as you get up...don't get "BUSY" doing other stuff, just do it!!! Right away in the morning and that is how I did my first walk yesterday.  
This morning I had Malachi come over for about 6 hours and so I told him after breakfast and the sun came out we were going for a walk.  He asked me where?  I said, you will see.  So about 10 a.m. we got our shoes and socks on and went for our walk.  He would run ahead of me, walk with me, lag behind me but he talked to me the whole time and we had a great walk.  Came back and sprayed the weeds around the patio area of our campsite...yes, I even did a little yard work.....what is getting into me?

Another thing I am doing is cooking at home.  In fact, we have not gone out to eat except twice since we have been here in Liberty/Coffeyville, KS - once when we were on a six hour drive that we took to Oklahoma to see some sights and one day when we had gone into town and it took longer than expected and my blood sugar started dropping so we pulled into Sonics.  Even that day I made a pretty good choice compared to what I used to eat: a grilled chicken wrap, half an order of tots and NO soda pop.  And if you have known me for any length of time you know how I love my soda pop.  I could check my food journal but I think I have had 5 soda's in the last 20 days ~ yeah for me :)

For dinner last night I made mini pizzas w/pepper jack cheese for Ron and mozzarella cheese for me, pepperoni, red/white onions, red, green, yellow & orange peppers, mushrooms and FAKE shredded cheese for the topping - not because I intended to use FAKE cheese but because I saw it was $4.99 for 2 lbs and I thought what a great deal :) :) :) next time I will read the label that is for sure.  You know that stuff does not melt.  Ron and I usually split a medium pizza - last night I ate one mini pizza!!  yeah me :)

And a fresh fruit salad with apples, bananas, peaches, strawberries and oranges and I did not put any Cool Whip on it!!!

And I added a green salad with mushrooms, onions, carrots, peppers and lite Italian dressing.  Yeah for me :) I did not eat the fattening blue cheese dressing that is my Favorite!!!

Here is a peak at our dinner last night.  Hope you enjoy looking at it as much as we enjoyed eating it.
Ingredients for the pizza.
All put together  except for the shredded cheese.
And before it went into the oven.
Looking good in there baking.  This is when I noticed the cheese wasn't melting so pulled it back out of the fridge to see what it was ~ it was FAKE!!!!
The fruit salad!
And Ron patiently waiting for me to present him with his dinner.

And voila ~ dinner: healthy, colorful and tasty.

I forgot to get a picture of my green salad.  Ron had two mini pizza's and fruit salad.  I had one mini pizza, fruit salad and a green salad.    And it was ALL good.
So be prepared to see what's cooking in the Wander Lodge in the days to come!!!

Oh and I am down 4 lbs in 20 days!!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday Fumblings

Today is probably your Friday

but for us it is our 
as Ron goes back to work tomorrow - confusing for sure :)

Thursday was a difficult day for me in the area of eating - I did well in the morning but the afternoon and evening were a downhill slide but as my friend reminds me often
Tomorrow is a new day!!

Today is that new day!!

It has been a good day.  

Had a great time with the Lord.

Proverbs 12:11
And I took that to mean IF I plan and stay focused on making healthy choices the outcome will be good.  BUT if I do whatever, I will stay the same and in this case that would be overweight and unhealthy.

Commitment is required to Accomplish my goal!!

And then I read in my devotion:

God's economy is germination, then cultivation, then the harvest.

Translated:  Plan healthy eating and activities then eat those healthy meals and get moving ~ physically  THEN I will see the outcome of a healthy mind, body and spirit.

And then Matthew 21:20-22

The Lesson of the Withered Fig Tree

And when the disciples saw it, they marveled, saying, “How did the fig tree wither away so soon?”
So Jesus answered and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ it will be done. And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”

Wow!!  I have forgotten the most important person in this journey to get healthy: JESUS!  
To actively seek and include Jesus in this daily walk.

Just as they say in AA/OA:  I am an over eater and I can't do this journey alone.  
I need to and must include Him!!!!

Proverbs 10:4 

IF I don't stay focused I will fail.  By staying focused I will see results.

Proverbs 10:17 

Keep learning & working towards the goal and the rewards will come.
IF I ignore what is right I will make wrong choices.

Proverbs 10:25
When things (life) gets crazy and I lose sight of the prize I lose.  
BUT if in the chaos of life I use the tools and knowledge that I have,
everything in the long run will have a positive outcome. 

Proverbs 10:29

Following Jesus is what gives me strength.
When I take my eyes and focus off of Him everything falls apart.

WOW, Wow is all I can say.
Thank you Lord for just saying it like it is and in a way I understand.

I need to stop running and searching for quick answers and others to do the work for me.
I need to slow down, do what I know, one step at a time.

Do you always hear when God talks to you?
How does He speak to you?

And more importantly do you listen?

Thank you Lord for never giving up on me and making every day a new day!!!


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

It's Wednesday


Thought I should pop in and say hi!


Today has probably been one of the most laziest days I have had in who knows how long.

Slept in till 9 a.m.  
Hubby got up at 10 a.m.
Hubby made lunch at 12:30 p.m

It is now 5:30 p.m. and I should think about something for dinner.
I would love to go out to eat but that would necessitate taking a shower, 
getting dressed and driving somewhere.

And here I sit in the corner of my couch,
playing on the computer,
reading Facebook,
talking my sweet hubby,
watching the verdict come down in the Jodi Arias trial,
thinking back to when I was on a jury in 1992
and how stressed and exhausting the day was after our verdict was read in court,
checking emails,
talking to a friend in Branson,
asking God for guidance about a possible decision regarding work for us,
enjoying the quiet of the day except for when we heard a truck tire blow on the freeway behind us,
talking to my sweet hubby,
writing a few emails,
reading Facebook
etc., etc., etc.

How has your day been?

Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday's Meanderings


A New Day!  Where will it lead me?

Had a rough start to my morning as it actually began right at midnight when I woke very confused and unable to see clearly.  Stumbled my way to the bathroom, yelled out for hubby that I needed help.  Tested my Blood Sugar (BS), yes I am a diabetic and have been since 1995, and usually don't have the problems I have been since arriving here in Liberty, KS.  BS was 44  !! Way, way too low.  Should be in the 75-90 range.  Hubby got me a can of pineapple juice (we keep them on hand just for these occasions) and 3 miniature peanut butter cups (pbcups) (doctor told us to always keep some on hand for such an emergency as the peanut butter is protein and chocolate is sugar and they melt under your tongue when you are in no shape to eat them).  Hubby helped me to get the can to my lips and broke up the pbcups and put them under my tongue.  15 minutes later checked my BS again, only up to 50...3 more pbcups and another 15 minutes and it was up to 88...whew...what a way to start a day.

I called the doctor this morning, spoke with the nurse.  She is going to talk to the doctor and one of them will call me back with what I need to do.  We know what the problem is -- with hubby's new schedule (Sat. to Tues.) we are up at 5, eat about 5:30, hubby goes to work around 6:10, I eat a morning snack, lunch (today was my Beachbody Strawberry Protein Shake = Yummy!) maybe have something in the afternoon and then have dinner with hubby between 5:30 and 6, go to bed between 8:30 & 9, which is when I take my nighttime meds...all this being between my dinner time medication and night time meds I am getting too much of something and then go quite a bit of time (8 to 10 hours) without eating makes my BS whacky.  Will be glad to talk with them later today.

Started our day by weighing...Ron is down 1.6 lbs in one week and I was down 3.6 lbs for an overall total loss of 19.4 lbs since August 1, 2011.  I am once again really focusing on what we are eating and eating healthier.  I am using many tools: Dr. Becks Solution to Weight Loss Workbook, (you can find me there under ali1357), support from family and friends and participating in closed group on Facebook called Getting Healthy One Day at a Time.

My quiet time was quite interesting this morning and began with John 8:11.
 Had a rough weekend with emotions, things being said, hurting someone dear to me, seeking and receiving forgiveness, swallowed my foot up to my knee cap and then read about the adulterous woman and how some wanted to stone her to death.  And Jesus telling those around her go ahead and you that are without sin may cast the first stone.  And no one did, in fact they all slunk away leaving the woman alone with Jesus and he saying to her "Go and sin no more."   Wow, just what I needed this morning a reminder that yep, I screwed up, learn from this mistake and don't do it again.

And then I started thinking about my dieting/losing weight/getting healthy ~ have to come up with a good word instead of dieting - that just sounds so defeating, missing out of good things...getting healthy sounds so formal...any ideas or suggestions?

And then I read from my Women of Faith study.  The month of May is on Faith! And this is the scripture being discussed today:
And then 


One of my biggest battles is with Food!!!  I love to eat.  I like a good candy bar: 3 Muskateers or a Butterfinger any day ~ Yummy!!!  Cake, not just any piece of cake but a corner piece with lots of frosting and oh, if there is a rose on top ~ that's even better.  And its not just sweets, cheesy potato casserole, pasta with alfredo sauce, warm bread with lots of butter right out of the oven ~ yummy, Yummy, YUMMY!!!

BUT I am reminded this is not just my battle.  God is with me and will help me with this battle.  I need to do what I know and need to do: portion control, get some exercise every day, eat healthy: low carbs, cut out all the refined sugar, keep track of what I eat ~ definitely makes it more real to actually see what I have eaten, how many calories, how many grams of sugar ~ way too many, not enough protein, not enough green vegetables...yes those are things I know and things I need and CAN do to get healthy!!!

AND Jesus says for us to share our struggles/battles with those who will pray for and encourage us.  That is what my Getting Healthy group does.  And my bestie and other friends who know I struggle with this issue and that I really need to get this eating thing under control.  AND I am to go to HIM ~ just lay it on the line with Him.  He has broad shoulders and can handle any issue I have.  He always has and will never fail me...he never has yet so why would He start now - he wouldn't.

And then the devotion ended with a quote from Barbara Johnson  "God has to be the One who brings changes in any of our lives.  Condemnation won't work, it has to be convicted by God."   This was part of my struggle this weekend, feeling like me and a friend were being chastised, ridiculed and told we weren't worth any thing because we "didn't just pick a plan and stick with it" ~ wait what about Grace?  And then I was reminded by God this morning this is not Ali's battle this is God's battle and He can help me get through the rough days when all I want to do is stuff my face and lay in bed and read.  I have to be willing and listen to Him and those who I have asked to be on my accountability team.  I have to do what is right, eat what is healthy, make healthy choices and remember to take one step at a time, one foot in front of the other, remembering I didn't become 100 lbs overweight overnight and I won't lose the weight overnight but one day at a time!

And in closing my devotional time I have started a new Bible study called Hello Mornings - you can learn all about the study by clicking the badge on the side of my blog.  It is a study of Meet Jesus, studying the Book of John.  And right there at the beginning it says

And ends with 


In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God 
and ends with
the Father Full of GRACE and TRUTH.

Thank you Lord for all your reminders this morning.  I am hearing You loud and clear, we all make mistakes and it is what we do with those mistakes, hopefully learning from them and not repeating them.  And that You are all I need in this world, You will help me walk this walk and talk this talk of living for You and when I do mess up, Your GRACE is sufficient for me and the TRUTH will always come out.  Thank you for loving me Lord.  I am glad to be one of your daughters, a daughter of the King.  Amen!!