It is amazing to me how I can have all the plans in the world and then one thing leads to another and my days are gone before I know it.
Let me do a little update..after many discussions with multiple doctors I decided to go on a 21 Day Elimination Diet...that meant NO gluten, caffeine, dairy, soy and alcohol with the exception of a glass of red wine in the evening as prescribed by Dr. Steve. I began that journey on Monday, May 26. The hardest thing for me to give up was dairy and gluten. I had a couple of slip ups along the day we were out running errands and I was starving and my blood sugar was going wacky..we stopped at Rocky's down by the is a small Italian restaurant and bar...they brought us a basket of French bread and butter...I was shaking so bad I scarfed down 3 slices of bread & butter, drank lots of water w/lemon (my beverage of choice whenever we go out) and then had a grilled chicken & spinach salad with a raspberry vinaigrette dressing..tasted great but not 20 minutes after leaving the restaurant...not so good. Umm was it the gluten or the dairy? Not sure but definitely need to be more careful.
Another day I really wanted a chili burger from Billy Gail's Cafe and so we along with Ronnie & Teresa, our Assistant Managers went there for lunch. I ordered my chili burger minus the cheese. When it came I took one half the bun (it comes open faced) and set it aside...the other half was under the burger and pile of tasted so good and I had no problems so that was encouraging. This is what Ron and Ronnie had~ one giant pancake and Ron had a couple of eggs on top of his. Those pancakes are huge. I did sneak a teenie bite of Ron' was delicious. You would think it was like a crepe but no it was a buttermilk pancake...just so big it hangs off the plate.
I did pretty well on the Elimination Diet and since Sunday have tried a few was a pasta tasted so good I had two helpings...ummm I think one would have been enough...I had a little bit of tummy rumbling but otherwise no problems. Until know that chili burger I had a while back with only a half bun and no cheese...well yesterday I added the grated cheddar cheese to it...NOT a good idea as I was sick all afternoon and into the evening...yep, dairy may be my enemy...this is SAD...I love my cheese...I will be very careful over the next few days and will then try cheese again...but this lady is thinking dairy and I will be having a parting of the ways. In the long run it will be worth it though if I stop having lots of tummy issues.
And we have been busy here at Branson View Campground which is a good thing. We love having lots of campers. The pool is open and so inviting. We try to go swimming most afternoons/evenings. We also had a Father's Day Potluck which was lots of good to catch up with some of our monthly campers and those visiting for just a few days. Our next Potluck is June 30 at 6:30 PM...we are having a regular potluck and then game night following...hoping to play a rousing game of Mexican Train...if you are in the area, please come and join us...just bring a dish to share and your own table ware!!!
On another note...I realized yesterday that when one thing slips it is easy to just let it slip completely...and for me that has been my time with the Lord...I have been so exhausted over the last couple of months that I have taken to sleeping as late as I can each morning and that is with going to bed between 8 & 9:30 most last night I said to myself and God...if I wake up early I will just get up and have my time with You. Well I woke up at six and rolled back over, woke up again at 7:03 and heard this little voice "you said if you got up early you would spend time with Me" so I got up and came out to the living room...the sun is shining and it is so quiet and peaceful and the view out the sunroom is gorgeous!!! And so I picked up my Bible, my devotional book and my journal...and was amazed that I had not opened my Bible since 5.26...oh my could I ignore my relationship with the Lord for over three weeks...I would be crushed if my bestie ignored me for that long...and here I have ignored my Bestie, my Abba Father for over three weeks...what must He think of me.
Well I believe God has a great sense of devotion for today was titled "A New Me" --- 
God is so good and gracious and He reminded me this morning that He loves me for who I am with all my foibles that I am made NEW in Him and that I can turn from my old ways and be made NEW in Him.
Thank you Jesus for this reminder that yesterday, the last three weeks are in the past and today is a new day and I can start over again today building my relationship with You!!! And again I was reminded of just that as I turned to John 3:14-21 and read His message to me I am reminded that God loves me and in turn I need to love others.

And then I realized that this scripture was for yesterday, June 18 and that today is June I turned to today's reading John 13:31-35 and this is what I found
God commands us to love one another just as He loves us!!! And the question ??Do we love one another in the gracious, longsuffering, courageous way God loves us??? That is how I want to extend grace and love to all who I come into contact with and to be loved the same way. And you know what...I am loved and blessed in so many ways by so many people and I am so thankful.
On Father's Day I was an emotional mess. I have said before how Mother's Day and Father's Day are not always easy for me and this year was no exception...I found myself reading Facebook and getting frustrated with all the posts about the "wonderful and perfect Father's" out there so I got off Facebook...don't get me wrong I am glad so many people have had or have good relationships with their Fathers...mine was not...yes we reconciled before he passed away and I thankful for that but it does not erase the heartache and pain I had as a child/teenager/young adult living with and dealing with a not so nice Dad.
And again I am reminded over and over again that my Daddy, my Abba Father, loves me more than any one man could and I am so thankful for His love for me and the man who is my husband, dad and grandpa to our boys and grandchildren...Ron has shown me over the years, and yes, it took a long time for me to believe, that Ron loves me for me has demonstrated his love over and over and has been the earthly example of how God loves me...I know it seems I am rambling but this is what I have been reminded of this morning...that God, my Abba Daddy loves me just for me and knows I am not perfect and He will sit right beside me, walking along when I stumble, help me up and let me begin again.
Well my mind is racing and Ron just called me for help in the office so I had better get off here for now. Hope that each of you reading this has a great day!!!
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