Good morning from Branson, MO!!!
This was the view off our back deck at 5:45 this morning
Isn't God's beauty amazing!!!
Yesterday I told Ron "I need to go to church." He wasn't able to attend as he and Ronnie were busy cutting down trees, trimming trees and replacing lights so I went by myself...I don't like to go by myself but I KNEW that I needed to be in I went to

And God met me I have said in recent posts, I have been struggling with getting back on track and that is in all areas of my being my relationship with the Lord. Well, just as He always does, He met me right there. I like to sit in the front row (Ron does not) so since Ron was not with me I walked right up to the front row and sat down and just listened to the music that was playing and talking to God in my heart. Some sweet friends came in that I hadn't seen in months so we gave each other good to connect with friends...that's another thing I deal with...missing my friends from home (Blaine, WA) and though we meet a lot of people sometimes a hug from a good friend is so welcome.
Barbara spoke on Acts 2:14-39...not exactly clear on all she shared but a couple of things jumped out at me "get over yourself" and "give all of me to Jesus" and I KNEW that Jesus was talking to me...I get so wrapped up in me, my issues, my needs, my and I...and I need to be shaken up a bit and reminded that life is not all about me...I am not saying it is wrong to think about yourself or take care of yourself...but it is wrong to always be focused on yourself. I was feeling chastised and humbled at the same time...yet I felt glued to my seat...that Jesus was sitting right there with his arm around me holding me still to listen.
And then Jamie from the Statlers Revisited (Roy also sings in this group) came up on stage and sang a couple of songs. I can't remember the songs he sang but I do remember feeling like God was right there hugging me and saying "yes, yes, yes"
"Statler Brothers Revisited,"
The class of "57" and their band reproduces the smooth four-part harmony that made the Statler Brothers. Enjoy songs like Elizabeth, Flowers On The Wall, Do You Remember These, I'll Go To My Grave Loving You and More! Wed & Thurs @ 8:00 pm (Wed only in July. No Shows in August) |
And then there was just quiet and then Roy came up to soon as he started speaking I knew he was going to sing "The Secret Place" (if you click on the link and go down about 2/3 of the way and you can click on the song and hear part of it) and I continued to feel God talking to me, saying "come clean ~ you know it is what you need to do" and He kept talking to me the whole time Roy was singing. And so I visited that Secret Place, shared with Jesus (he knew already) and was reminded by Jesus (through the words that Roy was sharing)...just ask Me, just come and sit with Me and talk with Me.
And so when I got home I found myself sitting with Jesus, just sharing. Oh what a few minutes with Jesus can do for a person...try it, you might like it.
A friend of mine told me about listening to Christian music on YouTube...I am loving it...I turned on a 4 hour Christian music station yesterday afternoon while I was working...that was about 1:45 and the next thing I knew it was 5:47 PM...where did the time go...I felt so peaceful and accomplished so much and for that I am thankful...lately I have been having a real hard time staying focused on tasks needing to be done...not yesterday....thank you Jesus for sitting with me yesterday afternoon.
After Ron got done working, about 6:30, we went for a swim...we just love being able to go swimming...and so often we are the only ones in is like having our own private pool...we swam a few laps and then we both went to the deeper end of the pool and treaded water, moving our arms and legs, over a half hour...loving getting that kind of's fun and refreshing and we have time to talk about our day and what's going on with us. Another thing I am thankful for - the place where we live and is beautiful and peaceful.
Hope each of you reading have a place just for you, where you can meet with the Lord and also a place of calm and beauty that you can go to just to relax and enjoy the calmness of the day.
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