Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday's Meanderings


A New Day!  Where will it lead me?

Had a rough start to my morning as it actually began right at midnight when I woke very confused and unable to see clearly.  Stumbled my way to the bathroom, yelled out for hubby that I needed help.  Tested my Blood Sugar (BS), yes I am a diabetic and have been since 1995, and usually don't have the problems I have been since arriving here in Liberty, KS.  BS was 44  !! Way, way too low.  Should be in the 75-90 range.  Hubby got me a can of pineapple juice (we keep them on hand just for these occasions) and 3 miniature peanut butter cups (pbcups) (doctor told us to always keep some on hand for such an emergency as the peanut butter is protein and chocolate is sugar and they melt under your tongue when you are in no shape to eat them).  Hubby helped me to get the can to my lips and broke up the pbcups and put them under my tongue.  15 minutes later checked my BS again, only up to 50...3 more pbcups and another 15 minutes and it was up to 88...whew...what a way to start a day.

I called the doctor this morning, spoke with the nurse.  She is going to talk to the doctor and one of them will call me back with what I need to do.  We know what the problem is -- with hubby's new schedule (Sat. to Tues.) we are up at 5, eat about 5:30, hubby goes to work around 6:10, I eat a morning snack, lunch (today was my Beachbody Strawberry Protein Shake = Yummy!) maybe have something in the afternoon and then have dinner with hubby between 5:30 and 6, go to bed between 8:30 & 9, which is when I take my nighttime meds...all this being between my dinner time medication and night time meds I am getting too much of something and then go quite a bit of time (8 to 10 hours) without eating makes my BS whacky.  Will be glad to talk with them later today.

Started our day by weighing...Ron is down 1.6 lbs in one week and I was down 3.6 lbs for an overall total loss of 19.4 lbs since August 1, 2011.  I am once again really focusing on what we are eating and eating healthier.  I am using many tools: Dr. Becks Solution to Weight Loss Workbook, (you can find me there under ali1357), support from family and friends and participating in closed group on Facebook called Getting Healthy One Day at a Time.

My quiet time was quite interesting this morning and began with John 8:11.
 Had a rough weekend with emotions, things being said, hurting someone dear to me, seeking and receiving forgiveness, swallowed my foot up to my knee cap and then read about the adulterous woman and how some wanted to stone her to death.  And Jesus telling those around her go ahead and you that are without sin may cast the first stone.  And no one did, in fact they all slunk away leaving the woman alone with Jesus and he saying to her "Go and sin no more."   Wow, just what I needed this morning a reminder that yep, I screwed up, learn from this mistake and don't do it again.

And then I started thinking about my dieting/losing weight/getting healthy ~ have to come up with a good word instead of dieting - that just sounds so defeating, missing out of good things...getting healthy sounds so formal...any ideas or suggestions?

And then I read from my Women of Faith study.  The month of May is on Faith! And this is the scripture being discussed today:
And then 


One of my biggest battles is with Food!!!  I love to eat.  I like a good candy bar: 3 Muskateers or a Butterfinger any day ~ Yummy!!!  Cake, not just any piece of cake but a corner piece with lots of frosting and oh, if there is a rose on top ~ that's even better.  And its not just sweets, cheesy potato casserole, pasta with alfredo sauce, warm bread with lots of butter right out of the oven ~ yummy, Yummy, YUMMY!!!

BUT I am reminded this is not just my battle.  God is with me and will help me with this battle.  I need to do what I know and need to do: portion control, get some exercise every day, eat healthy: low carbs, cut out all the refined sugar, keep track of what I eat ~ definitely makes it more real to actually see what I have eaten, how many calories, how many grams of sugar ~ way too many, not enough protein, not enough green vegetables...yes those are things I know and things I need and CAN do to get healthy!!!

AND Jesus says for us to share our struggles/battles with those who will pray for and encourage us.  That is what my Getting Healthy group does.  And my bestie and other friends who know I struggle with this issue and that I really need to get this eating thing under control.  AND I am to go to HIM ~ just lay it on the line with Him.  He has broad shoulders and can handle any issue I have.  He always has and will never fail me...he never has yet so why would He start now - he wouldn't.

And then the devotion ended with a quote from Barbara Johnson  "God has to be the One who brings changes in any of our lives.  Condemnation won't work, it has to be convicted by God."   This was part of my struggle this weekend, feeling like me and a friend were being chastised, ridiculed and told we weren't worth any thing because we "didn't just pick a plan and stick with it" ~ wait what about Grace?  And then I was reminded by God this morning this is not Ali's battle this is God's battle and He can help me get through the rough days when all I want to do is stuff my face and lay in bed and read.  I have to be willing and listen to Him and those who I have asked to be on my accountability team.  I have to do what is right, eat what is healthy, make healthy choices and remember to take one step at a time, one foot in front of the other, remembering I didn't become 100 lbs overweight overnight and I won't lose the weight overnight but one day at a time!

And in closing my devotional time I have started a new Bible study called Hello Mornings - you can learn all about the study by clicking the badge on the side of my blog.  It is a study of Meet Jesus, studying the Book of John.  And right there at the beginning it says

And ends with 


In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God 
and ends with
the Father Full of GRACE and TRUTH.

Thank you Lord for all your reminders this morning.  I am hearing You loud and clear, we all make mistakes and it is what we do with those mistakes, hopefully learning from them and not repeating them.  And that You are all I need in this world, You will help me walk this walk and talk this talk of living for You and when I do mess up, Your GRACE is sufficient for me and the TRUTH will always come out.  Thank you for loving me Lord.  I am glad to be one of your daughters, a daughter of the King.  Amen!!


  1. "God has to be the One who brings changes in any of our lives. Condemnation won't work, it has to be convicted by God."

    Wow. Those two sentences are SO powerful. Thank you.

  2. I like to use the words "eating plan" instead of "diet". Keep up the good work. Once you get your blood sugar problems solved, things may improve for you.


I love to hear from share your thoughts and let's talk!!!